Tuesday, March 3, 2015


My name is Katelynn Nikole Ross and as of right now I am 15 years old. My birthday is on December 7 also known as Pearl Harbor day. I am a mix of different personalities. I can be serious one minute, and a total goof the next. Not a lot of people find me interesting or normal. But if you were to get to know me, you might fall in love with me.
I am an adventurer, I love to explore new things. Sometimes I’m a coward and other times I’m a daredevil. When I was young I hated heights and rollercoasters, but as I’ve grown older I’ve learned I can’t be scared of life or I will never get anywhere. So at that point, I told myself I was going to be more adventurous and live life to the fullest. Now I love to ride the craziest rollercoasters and go as high as I can.
My hobbies include drawing, barrel racing, hunting and fishing. In barrel racing I’ve gone gone through many horses and my most recent horse is the fastest and our fastest time is a 15.2. His name is Bandit and I love him. When it comes to down time drawing is what mostly fills it. I am very talented at drawing for coming from a non-artistic family. Now for the good stuff, hunting. I love to hunt, especially deer. My biggest deer I ever killed was a 9 point, when I was 11 years old. And fishing, I like to fish but I never have the best luck. The best fish I’ve ever caught was probably about five pounds.
My family is a group of people I love and always will love. There’s my mom whose name is Angela. Then there’s Daddy and his name is Jason. A few years ago my little brother passed away, when he was nine. His name was Jason Paul Ross. I love him with all my heart and I’ll never forget all the memories we’ve ever had. He had so many people who loved him and still do.

My life at times, is not the most thrilling ride ever, and other times it’s the most hectic thing I can possibly think of. 

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